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pass over意思
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  • 忽视
  • 越过…的通道
  1. bypass;

    "He skipped a row in the text and so the sentence was incomprehensible"

  2. make a passage or journey from one place to another;

    "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;"
    "Some travelers pass through the desert"

  3. travel across or pass over;

    "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day"

  4. fly over;

    "The plane passed over Damascus"

  5. rub with a circular motion;

    "wipe the blackboard"
    "He passed his hands over the soft cloth"

If someoneis passed over for a job or position, they do not get the job or position and someone younger or less experienced is chosen instead.

e.g. She claimed she was repeatedly passedover for promotion...
e.g. They've been rejected, disappointed, ignored, passedover.

If youpass over a topic in a conversation or speech, you do not talk about it.

pass over的意思

e.g. He largely passedover the government's record...
e.g. They seem to think her crimes should be passedover in silence.

1. 越过:将羊牺牲,然后把血撒在门楣上,可以让死亡越过(passover)每一个照着作的家庭. 以色列的头生子所得到的这个逾越节(Passover)的救赎,是与从埃及逃脱配套的,因此这个救赎的图案扩及到所有的以色列民. 第十灾终于使法老让以色列人离开.

2. pass over

2. 忽略:pass out 昏倒;分发 |passover 忽略 | past master 技艺精湛的人

3. 不注意,忽视:pass by从...旁边经过 |passover不注意,忽视 | get out使...出去


4. 不管.略而不谈:不计较,不追究;过去;去世:pass out 失去知觉.晕倒:死掉 |passover 不管.略而不谈:不计较,不追究;过去;去世 |pass through 穿过,通过;经历,经受;上完(大学)

"pass over"的基本信息





